Stepping Up to the Sustainability Challenge - Panel

Judy Slatyer, Chair, NSW Net Zero Emissions & Clean Economy Board; Tony Wood, Energy & Climate Change Program Director, The Grattan Institute & Jacqueline Sihaphone, Sustainability Manager, Toyota Finance Australia; Leisha Watson, Senior Policy Advisor, AFIA

  • First movers on this topic will have an advantage in the long-term.

  • No part of our economy will not be affected by the change in climate or the things Government does to respond to those changes.

  • Alignment with the Paris Agreement. The Climate Leaders Group of 50 of Australia’s major CEOs represents 27% of Australia’s emissions are committed to the Paris targets.

  • IAG can now process insurance claims in 8 days, not 8 weeks after a natural disaster.

  • CBA app where customers can assess eligibility for clean energy subsides.

  • Worley has trained all 51,000 staff on sustainability, so it becomes part of the culture.

  • There are challenges with Scope 3 emissions and sustainable supply chains.

  • Younger people want to be proud to work for companies that take sustainability seriously.

  • Finance is essential to combatting climate risks – whether it is funding renewables, other assets, or business decisions.

  • It is important to balance the Social and Governance objectives of ESG, while dealing with the environmental pillar.

  • There are over 100,000 Australian jobs in carbon intensive industries, especially in regional areas. It is important to take all communities on this journey with us – through things like Regional Transition Authorities.


Emerging Risks to Financial Stability: New Challenges for the Next Decade


Technology Trailblazers - Panel