Search for an AFIA submission
AFIA Submission to Treasury - Regulating BNPL in Australia
AFIA today released its submission to Treasury’s Options Paper: Regulating Buy Now, Pay Later in Australia.
Strategic Plan for the Payments System: Consultation Paper
On 7 February 2023, AFIA made our submission to Treasury’s consultation on the Strategic Plan for the Payments System.
Consumer Data Right rules and data standards design paper for non-bank lending sector
On 1 February 2023, AFIA made our submission to Treasury’s ongoing consultation on the extension of the Consumer Data Right (CDR) to the Non-Bank Lending (NBL) sector.
AFIA's Pre-Budget Submission 2023-24
On 27 January 2023, AFIA made our pre-Budget submission to Treasury, where we strongly advocated for our members interests.
Financial Counselling Industry Funding Model - Discussion Paper
AFIA made a submission to the Department of Social Services on their Financial Counselling Funding Model Discussion Paper.
National Electric Vehicle Strategy (NEVS)
On 31 October 2022, AFIA made a submission to the National Electric Vehicle (EV) Strategy.
ASIC Industry Funding Model (IFM)
On 28 October 2022, AFIA made a submission on the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)’s IFM.
CDR Action Initiation
AFIA made a submission to Treasury on exposure draft legislation to enable action initiation in the Consumer Data Right.
CDR Expansion and Operational Enhancements
AFIA made a submission to Treasury on exposure draft amendments to the Consumer Data Right to expand to telecommunications and implement operational improvements.
Financial Services Compensation Scheme of Last Resort
On 7 October 2022, AFIA made a submission to Treasury’s consultation on the proposed Financial Services Compensation Scheme of Last Resort (CSLR).
Financial Accountability Regime Minister Rules 2022
On 7 October 2022, AFIA made a submission to Treasury’s consultation on the proposed Minister’s Rules for the Financial Accountability Regime (FAR).
Treasury Consultation on Improving Corporations and Financial Services Law
AFIA has lodged a submission to Treasury’s consultation on Improving Corporations and Financial Services Law.
CDR Non Bank Lending Draft Designation Instrument
AFIA has lodged a submission to Treasury’s consultation for Consumer Data Right – Non-Bank Lending draft designation instrument.
EV Tax Cut
Senate Economics Legislations Committee’s inquiry into the Treasury Laws Amendment (Electric Car Discount) Bill 2022.
CDR Expansion to telecommunications and operational enhancements
AFIA made a submission to Treasury on exposure draft amendments to the Consumer Data Right to expand to telecommunications and implement operational improvements.
Consultation Outcome on the Regulation of Buy Now Pay Later
AFIA made a submission to HM Treasury on Regulation of Buy Now Pay Later: response to consultation.
Treasury's CDR Sectoral Assessment for the Open Finance Sector
AFIA has lodged a submission to Treasury’s CDR Sectoral Assessment for the Open Finance sector - Non-Bank Lending.
The submission reflects AFIA’s support for efforts to encourage opt-in by non-bank lenders by streamlining accreditation.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau BNPL Inquiry March 2021
AFIA has provided a submission to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in the United States in response to the CFPB’s public request for comments on its inquiry into the buy now pay later sector. AFIA’s submission highlights the consumer protections provided under the Buy Now Pay Later Code of Practice.
The Australian Business Securitisation Fund
AFIA provided a submission to the review of the Australian Business Securitisation Fund (ABSF) capturing the experiences and views of members.
OAIC Review of the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code 2014
AFIA appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner in relation to the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code 2014 (Version 2.1) (the CR Code).