Redefining Tomorrow With AI
Gerard Florian, Group Executive Technology & Group Services, ANZ & Duncan Taylor, General Manager, Financial Services Industry - ANZ, Microsoft
ANZ executives shared their experiences with AI to build a set of experiences. Some issues to consider include:
How to roll it out to scale.
Bringing senior leaders on the journey.
Looking at use cases.
For instance, the Microsoft copilot, built an AI application to solve discrete problems
The more the AI tool is used, the more the tool learns and the better the answers get.
Barriers to engaging with industry will be financial literacy and digital literacy. Human skills and privacy will be constraints
Some advice for business:
Where possible try to use existing tools
Need policy procedures and good governance practises. There are no short cuts.
The benefit will be a richer experience for consumers and productivity gains.
By next year, 100% of ANZ data centres will use renewable energy.