Process and Criteria

The Application Process

Nominations for the Affie Awards will open on 26 July 2024 and close 4 October 2024.

The entry process is straightforward. Each Award category has a description showing what the judges are looking for and the questions you will need to answer. ​

To be eligible to enter, both the nominator and nominee (where applicable) must be:​

  • must be a member of AFIA (full or associate)​

  • must reside in Australia​

  • must have a registered Australian Business Number (ABN)​

  • have been operating in Australia for more than 12 months at time of entry​

  • must not enter a category if a staff member is a judge in that same category​

  • operate in an ethical manner with suppliers, distributors and contractors​

To support your entry you are able to use examples of collateral, reports, images, testimonials and references. We ask that you aggregate these into a single PDF document of no more than 5MB.

You can also provide financial or business metrics or links to web pages or videos in your answers or include examples of media coverage.

All questions must be answered for your entry to be valid.

The Judging Process

Nominations will be reviewed by an independent judging panel of business leaders and industry experts in each of the five categories. A minimum of three judges with a diverse mix of qualified perspectives will consider the applications. All of the judges scores will be collated to determine the finalists. Following the announcement of the finalists, each finalist will undergo a 30-minute video conference interview on their submission with the judging panel. The judges will then determine a final winner for in each category. The two-stage process increases robustness, ensures credibility and enhances prestige for those recognised by the awards.

The Hall of Fame category will be judged by the AFIA Board.

Each entry will be reviewed to check it meets the award criteria. The awards are initially judged on information supplied in the online nomination form, with questions specific to each category.

All information supplied in entries will remain completely confidential and will not be published or shared with third parties.

Sponsors are not invited to judge, and entrants can not be on the judging panel.

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