Feyi Akindoyeni

With over 20 years’ experience in strategic communications, working on some of the most challenging briefs in Australia, Feyi is one of the country’s most sought after communications consultants.

Feyi has a deep understanding of the nexus between policy, politics and business having spent 15 years in public affairs including five years in Canberra leading a bi-partisan team of top government relations experts.

Her counsel is valued by some of Australia’s leading organisations including Google, Bunnings, Officeworks, Uber, CBA, RMIT, Life Without Barriers, the National Farmers Federation, and the federal departments of Health and Ageing, NDIA, Defence, Home Affairs and Education, who look to her for reputational, strategic messaging and engagement counsel around policy, advocacy, effective stakeholder engagement, public affairs and digital communications.


Duncan Taylor


Mario Rehayem