Leading the Fight Against Fraud & Scams
Melanie Hayden, Managing Director (Truyu), x15ventures, CBA’s venture scaler
About Truyu:
Melanie Hayden, managing director of Truyu
Truyu is a digital identity protection tool app, part of 15 ventures, CBA’s venture scaler. Data from the session is largely sourced from CBA.
When you sign up you go through biometric scanning, you provide your email address – Truyu then tells you if you’ve ever been in a data breach. If so, the likelihood of identity fraud is much higher.
We can alert customers when your identity details are used. E.g. if someone sets up an account using your passport or email etc., you will get a notification.
If that account is not yours, Truyu contacts the merchant and contacts the police to help you through the process.
Reality of scams
Perpetrators used to steal physical documents, now identity fraud occurs digitally.
AFR stats say Australia is losing $2.7bn in scams a year, a lot sourced from Facebook scams.
Australia post scam – text message where if you click through to URL, they will try to scam you.
Real life scams – people getting scammed at the door, pretending to be religious or charitable organisations. Sometimes documents are even stolen from the letter box.
Fake data breaches – victim gets a fake text from a service provider about supposed data breach, asking recipient to go to URL.
Deep fake AI – multinational engineering firm lost millions due to fake deepfake of CFO asking for payment transfers. A junior employee thought it was legitimate and transferred the money.
Key facts:
199,000 identity fraud cases were reported last year. Most people don’t report identity fraud due to a stigma.
It often takes 13 hours of effort to restore your identity, engaging across gov departments and agencies. Reporting scams is onerous.
Of customers so far – 54% of users who have had one instance of identity fraud have had multiple instances. It’s happened to them at least twice.
We’re seeing 8 data breaches per customer.
The only solution to scams is a whole of industry, cross ecosystem approach.
CBA is founding member of Australian Financial Crimes Exchange. Banks, telcos and internet providers can more quickly report scam transactions between each other.